Broadband Internet is all about speed and reliability. In a nutshell, “broadband” refers to a very fast and persistent connection to the Internet. For business – Cloud computing, web conferencing and hosted voice solutions – having a broadband connection is essential. Here are 3 things you need to know about how broadband Internet that can improve your business
Why You Need a Bullet Proof Computer Network
Your Computer Network is the information pipeline of your business. But what if your network goes down? If your computer network is not operating properly, you may lose access to critical applications and their data. If you are using mobile applications, software as a service, or other types of Cloud Computing, your computer network needs to be highly reliable and readily available. While reading this article, you will learn about information technology trends that impact your Computer Network.
Avoiding Pitfalls to Cloud Computing Migration
It seems a majority of companies are adopting Cloud Computing as a significant portion of their IT infrastructure. According the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) 4th Annual Trends in Cloud Computing, sixty percent of companies surveyed, reported they rely on Cloud Computing for at least thirty percent of their IT infrastructure.
Transitioning to Cloud Computing? Here’s How to Avoid the Turbulence.
2014 IT Trends
This time of year most organizations are looking at 2014. Analyzing IT trends allows you to budget for the upcoming year, as well as, keep up with the competition. Reviewing 2014 IT Trends can help ensure your core systems stay up to date and help you grow your business. There are a number of important trends that many companies will take advantage of to reduce risks, gain more customers and reduce costs. Here is What to Watch for 2014 IT...
Why Small Businesses Need Technology
Technology has become an integral part of most small businesses. Email has replaced the fax machine. An onslaught of mobile devices have replaced cash registers, binders and note pads. Pencil and paper no longer keep up with the velocity of business today. In order to attract new customers and deliver products and services at competitive prices, small business technology is the cornerstone to automation and profitability. Cloud computing,...